Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week 1

There are two bonus opportunities this week.

First, worth 5 points. Eat one serving of something off the bad foods list without subtracting any points. (Shouldn't be too hard ;)) This can be done at any time this week.

Second, worth 5 points. Wait until the end of the week (Thursday-Sunday), go to the blog ( and comment on this post answering the following questions:

What do you LOVE about this challenge so far?
What is the hardest rule for you to follow?

If you can't leave a comment for some reason, you can email me your answers and I will post them.

Total bonus points available this week: 10


  1. My favorite thing about the challenge so far is that I am actually hungry in the mornings. For the last little while I've been munching on junk at night and I wake up and I don't want to cook breakfast for the family because I'm feeling gross and not hungry. Now that I don't eat after 8, I'm ready for breakfast!

    The hardest part for me would have to be staying away from candy. But getting all the water in is definitely hard too.

  2. I really like the accountability of tracking what I eat and my workouts. It makes it much easier to avoid snacking and munching throughout the day. I love the tracking sheets - very convenient.

    I'm finding that it's hard to get in all the servings. I rarely get 3 fruits and 3 veggies, because its just so much food. Dairy is hard for me because I don't drink milk, but the calcium supplement is a good option for me.

  3. What I LOVE about this challenge is how simple it is to track. I don't feel like I have to count calories, and it forces me to get the right balance of everything I need. It has been great to be accountable and see my score each day. It has showed me just how much I need to think about to have the energy I need, and so now that I'm getting enough protein and calcium it has helped me that much more! (Being where I eat meat rarely, and don't eat dairy, I am loving my beans, and even my kids love the black bean burgers we've been making).

    There is not a whole lot that has been hard this week. I'm enjoying so much how I feel and look, so its all worth it.
    Making sure I'm not too tired or forgetful when it comes to prayers and scriptures is my challenge! :)

  4. What I love about this challenge so far is...that I haven't started it yet! Just got home from disneyland about and hour ago and NO, I did not track all the crap I ate...thank heavens. BUT, even tho I will have absolutely no chance of winning, I will still participate for the rest cause I know it will be good for me.

    Hardest rule = no contest

  5. I love that this challenge forces me to focus on what I put in my mouth throughout the day & the sheet doesn't take much time to fill out & is easy. The hardest rule for me to follow is eating after 8 because of our schedule & this week exercise has been a challenge because I got blisters on the bottom of my feet after the first two days. But I look forward to working on improving my number of points each week. I keep telling my husband I'm not on a diet, I'm working to change my everyday eating habits.
